Everything is vibration, and this is where science and spirit can become one.  We are always reacting to everything around us quite subconsciously – there is no mistake as we look up at a clear blue sky that we feel better any more than if we have a few grey days our emotions start to fall.  The green in the forests lift our hearts and soothes us whilst reds, and oranges energises us into action.

Science tells us that Blue vibrates at 250-275 Hertz or Cycles per second known as Hz.  The research undertaken by Dr Valerie Hunt informs us that each Chakra (or energy centre) resonates at the same vibrations so the Blue of the Throat Chakra emanates at the same Hz as the colour.  Taking this further, Dr Robert Becker documented the electrical frequency of the body and, noticing the relationship between frequency and disease, he was able to measure this in megahertz. A healthy body ranged from 62-78 MHz, however when it drops below 58MHz disease can set in.  Positive thought raised the measured frequency by 10 MHZ and negative lowered the frequency up to 12MHz.

So, for instance, if you are having problems in your Thyroid, Ears, Hearing, Mouth, chances are it will be caused by issues with communication and Self-Expression.  Now what has this to do with Crystals?  Well, if we use the colour of the Crystals as a guide, and we know they scientifically work, by bringing their steady energy to our oscillating energy using the appropriate coloured crystal will undoubtedly help with creating a field of energy conducive to healing, especially if we place the crystals directly onto the area or meditate with them as meditation alone raises the vibration by 15MHz.  So, my suggestion to you if you are not feeling the best is think about where the pain is centred, and work on meditation with a crystal/s to raise your vibration to wellness once more.

Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue all over the world? We know we have developed as a species because of communication and self-expression both of which are paramount to survival. I hope this has given you something to ponder upon and look forward to you joining us on the next Crystal Workshop where we will study how to make Crystal Grids and Mandalas.