Natural Energies – Moon January 2018

Full Moon - 1st February in Leo powerful personal development, boost your self-trust and self-esteem and Happy Harvest Feast or Lammas – the traditional time of first harvest and a time of gratitude.

Dark Moon - 15th February, consider leaving behind a bad habit, burden or feelings of regret.

New Moon - 16th February in Aquarius – think wild and free, an inventive moon to boost ideas and creativity.
Full Moon in Virgo on 2nd March – explore the getting of wisdom, clarity and letting go of what no longer fits into your new life. Rest, reflect and restore on the Dark Moon 17th March. Harvest tuber or root vegetables at this time.

New Moon in Pisces on 18th March, gently begin to action your plans.

Autumn Equinox is on 21st March – recognize the harvest of your life. Be grateful and take stock, let go of things that have not worked and decide to change for the better.

2nd Full Moon or Blue Moon on 31st March in Libra – make moon water – a powerful moon for healing injustices of all kinds and balancing body, mind and spirit.

Astrology Feb 19 - Mar 20 Pisces

Birth Moon: Big Winds
Animal Totem: Wolf
Mineral Totem: Silver
Plant Totem: Plantain
Directional Totem: Buffalo
Elemental Clan Totem: Frog
Affinity Color: Silver

Personality Traits: sympathetic, adaptable, intuitive, warm. impressionable, benevolent, trusting, sensitive, generous, gentle.

Wolf: The Native Americans regarded the wolf and wolf people as having intellect in both mind and spirit, as keepers of knowledge, and great teachers as well as guides to the sacred.

They are often very good with handling children and make excellent teachers as they are very intuitive. Both wolves and Wolf people have a need to have a well-defined territory in home, work and relationships. They are very social animals and companionship is important to them. Wolf people are sensitive and, for them, a break-up can be devastating. These people often have difficulty handling their emotions, they feel vulnerable if they express them too freely, yet become depressed when their emotions are repressed.

Silver: Silver is the mineral totem. It can remove blockages in both emotional and spiritual energies and can help them to flow freely again, which is a quality that is especially beneficial for Wolf people. Silver can help one to reach, awaken, and heal the Higher Self. It can also enhance intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance, and foresight.

Health and Wellbeing: Pisces is a Mutable Water Feminine Sign. Pisces body area is feet. Pisces folk tend to fall back on forms of escapist behavior as they have difficulties facing up to reality and have a self-deceptive attitude that encourages them to take any easy way out of a problem situation. The Piscean system often tends to be sensitive; the reactions of other people can have an adverse physical effect. They do not respond well to medically prescribed drugs, and where possible alternative medicine should be considered. Cucumbers and melons are among the foods traditionally linked with Pisces and Ferrum Phosphate will enrich the blood and sooth inflammation in the system.