LabradoriteLabradorite - is this the right crystal for me?

With the recent Lunar Eclipse and the retrograde positions of many of the key planets in our solar system, you could be forgiven if you feel exhausted, a bit confused and maybe a little vulnerable.
This alignment has asked us to let go or release emotional baggage that may be holding us back, reminding us that it is time to learn the lessons of the past and embrace the changes happening now.

It is time to change the tapes in our mind and play a different tune so that what we experience in our future is different to the past.

I found myself feeling more emotional in that, usual flashes of anger would pop up as irritability and frustration. My doubts spiked, and I second guessed my choices but, rather than reaching for the wine, I asked for a crystal to help me through this time and the coming few weeks.

It can be confusing with the different crystals that are available and, as usual, there is that sense of feeling conflicted as to the right choices; it can be a hard to decide which is the best for the task at hand. a hard decision to make.

So, I asked for some guidance and I was shown my favourite stone - Labradorite

Now it is important to do your research to make sure that the guidance is aligned with what you need and so I opened my reference books (see list below) and this is what I discovered…

Key Words: Magic, Protection
Element: Wind
Chakras: All
Astrological Signs of Sagittarius, Scorpio and Leo
Vibrates to the numbers 6 and 7

So, For me Wind is all about the mind, intellect and thinking. So When dealing with things connected to your thinking - past hurts, belief patterns, habits, sabotage, etc., a stone allied to the element of Wind, in this case Labradorite, is perfect.

Labradorite can aid in uncovering emotional blocks and limiting thought patterns. It can help us to clear them and allow the energy to flow within ourselves and, through our lives. By becoming aware of the beliefs, self-talk and habitual emotional states (like sabotage) we then have an opportunity and, a choice, to change them (or not). Sort of like changing the tape (can you remember those) or CD in our Mind and the best part is, we get to choose the new CD.

I also found that Labradorite enhances our mental and intuitive abilities, making it useful for stimulating our Psychic gifts and helping to bring messages into our conscious thinking. When we want guidance for ourselves this stone will can help in many ways.

It helps us to find the balance when working with our Higher selves and Spirit Guides so that we experience connection to our Divine Purpose. It grounds the Spiritual energies into the Earthly body helping us to bring this higher understanding into our experiences.

This in turn helps us to trust that the Universe has our back and strengthens our faith in our belief that we are connected and are Spiritual beings - A bringer of Light into the world.

One thing I really like about Labradorite is the variation in the flashes of colour you see within the stone - from peacock blue, to coppery red, to dusky gold or yellow. This flash is called the Labradorescence.

This inner flash of light speaks to the revealing of your inner self and allows your true self to shine.

Labradorite helps us to understand and recognise the synchronicity in our lives. The recent celestial alignments have brought up many emotions and lessons that need untangling and this stone can help with the self-discovery and self-mastery. Interestingly, the number 6 is about harmony and responsibility pushing us to take responsibility for the changes in our inner lives while the number 7 asks us to be self-reflective, to learn from hindsight and make the necessary changes towards our desires and dreams.
As you do this inner work, Labradorite protects you from outer influences and energies by strengthening the Aura with an invisible force-field. It deflects unwanted energy and prevents energy leakage.

Labradorite is the perfect stone if you are seeking change guided by Spirit and especially when feeling the need for support and assistance. As we you transcend any limitations from the past, allow this stone to assist you in aligning with your Divine Purpose and live the life we you dream.

The Book of Stones; Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian
The Crystal Bible; Judy Hall
Love is in the Earth; Melody